Washburn Millers - Sponsorship
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Businesses, if you are willing to donate to our 501 c3 for a tax deduction, help us get more up-to-date equipment and our facility. You can display your business name on a banner at all home games in the spring and summer.
Business Team Sponsorship
Price: $500.00
This year, we are asking for $500 in exchange for the following:
Banner at home games-Spring and Summer seasons.
Your logo on our website
An invitation to attend one of our games
Email blasts to our families thanking you for your sponsorship
Social media posts about your business
A picture of our team to hang in your office
Millers Team Sponsorship
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Individual Team Sponsorship
Price: $75.00
Gold Level sponsorship, your name will be recognized on our website, social media, and email blast. All individual team sponsorships will help with team expensises including, umpires, fields, equipemtment and more.
Individual Team Sponsorship
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